UCLA and Amazon Logos



L-r: Stefano Soatto, VP of Applied Science, Amazon Web Services AI, Professor of Computer Science, UCLA Samueli; Prem Natarajan, Vice President, Alexa AI; Bruce Dunn, Interim Dean of UCLA Samueli School of Engineering; Dianne Palme, Sr. Manager, Amazon University Partnerships & Business Operations; Eric Iverson, Director of Product Strategy, Amazon Studios; Jens Palsberg, Professor of Computer Science, UCLA Samueli School of Engineering, Science Hub Director

Left to right: Todd Millstein, (UCLA) Professor and Chair, UCLA Computer Science Department; Stefano Soatto, VP of Applied Science, Amazon Web Services AI Professor of Computer Science, UCLA Samueli School of Engineering; Anne Szeto, Director, Strategic Recruiting and Academic Partnerships, Amazon; Ah-Hyung “Alissa” Park, Ronald and Valerie Sugar Dean, UCLA Samueli School of Engineering; Leonardo de Moura Amazon Senior Principal Applied Scientist; Alessandro Achille, Principal Applied Scientist at Amazon Web Services (AWS); Terence Tao, (UCLA) Professor, Department of Mathematics, The James and Carol Collins Chair in the College of Letters and Sciences; Jens Palsberg, Professor of Computer Science, UCLA Samueli School of Engineering, Science Hub Director

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